New Class Dates Coming Soon
In an increasingly connected world, we have never been offered more choices in every area of our lives. Developing trust in the discernment and wisdom that lies within every part of us enables us to make choices that maximize our own health and happiness so that we can offer the best of ourselves to our lives and our relationships.
Can you imagine remaining calm, grounded and present while your toddler has a tantrum…in public…again?
Have you lost sleep over the contents of your child’s lunchbox? backpack? bedroom?
How would it feel not to take it personally when your teen tells you “I hate you and you’re ruining my life?”
Whole Body Decision Making for Parents will help you learn to work with your own energetic presence, increase your groundedness and recognize what is your own baggage. It will help you discern which tools and strategies support you as a parent and when to use them. It will help you build responsiveness and decrease reactivity so that you can be a more joyful and effective parent.
In class, you will learn how any age that your child reaches is an opportunity for you to explore what you are still holding onto from when you were that age.
You will learn how to recognize, handle and grow from those triggers and how that helps you personally and as a parent.
You will explore the ways that choosing to take care of yourself helps your children.
You will discover how you are energetically connected or disconnected from your child and how you can change that and work with it.
You will learn simple tools for calming your nervous system which are contagious and can be taught to children of any age.
Whole Body Decision Making for Parents is for you:
If you are interested in modeling a healthy relationship with both your feelings and your intellect for your child or children…
If you want to spend more time enjoying your children than arguing with or lecturing to them…
If you dread learning and implementing yet another “parenting strategy”…
This class evolved from my Whole Body Decision Making for Everyone class, which you can read about here. Over more than 12 years of teaching, many of the most common decisions that people have worked on in that class have been related to parenting. I'm delighted to now offer a class that focuses on specific aspects of that.
For more than 25 years, I have worked with babies and children of all ages. I approach the family as an interconnected system and aim to empower every kind of parent to embrace their agency within that system, no matter the age of their child. I have often witnessed a baby relax and release physical restrictions as I guided their parent through a simple nervous system meditation or just listened to them tell their birth story. And I have witnessed older children letting go of something that was stuck after their parent let go of their side of it in a separate session. As a parent, you are more powerful than you know.
I have 2 children of my own who are very nearly grown ups. I’ve experienced parenting them within a marriage, through a divorce and into a healthy co-parenting arrangement and through a fair amount of challenges. I’ve written about this here. And I’ve written about Parenting in my Substack here.
I love being a parent, even when I want to run away from it.
And I am so grateful for all I have learned from navigating this journey.
Whole Body Decision Making for Parents:
from 10am-4pm
at the Maltex Building in Burlington,
Register Now