for Manual Therapists
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Next Class March 29-30
Master Classes are designed to deepen your ability to access your knowledge and trust your intuition. From that place, you can connect with your clients while staying grounded, maintaining your own boundaries, embracing your clarity and creativity and even having fun. You will learn simple ways to be more efficient in your approach and to identify root causes of what your clients are presenting. The goal is to help you build a practice that is both effective and sustainable.
Kate will share over 30 years of experience working with a wide variety of clients across all ages on several continents. There will be discussion and demonstration and participants will exchange treatment with Kate advising and assisting. Each class will focus on the Essential Tools of Practice and will cover a broad range of clinical topics based on class questions and what arises as we work together.
“I believe that we owe our clients our full attention and to facilitate the most efficient treatment possible. I believe that we owe ourselves enough support to provide that without draining our energy, building resentment or burning out. I believe that clients will show you what they need. And I believe that the more you can step back and let them do that, the easier and more enjoyable your job will be”.
Kate Kennedy
Classes are open to therapists using CranioSacral Therapy as all or part of their practice and who have completed at least 2 classes from a recognized school.
Schedule: Saturday 10am-4:30pm and
Sunday from 10am-1:30pm
Location: the Maltex building in Burlington, Vermont
Enrollment: Each Master Class is limited to 6 participants
Essential Tools of Practice:
Grounding and Healthy Boundaries:
Are you drained at the end of your workday?
Do you find yourself triggered by what your clients are working with?
Are you absorbing your client’s energies?
Does this cause you to question your effectiveness as a therapist?
You will learn to recognize when this is happening and how to work with it.
Honoring the CNS:
The nervous system controls your muscles and your muscles move your joints. Starting with the nervous system can be very simple, make structural work much more efficient and empower your clients to embrace their role in their own healing process.
Working with Shock:
It is “shocking” how deeply and in how many ways shock affects our bodies and brains. Learning to recognize this and to help clients release it will make your work more efficient and open up a world of possibilities in your practice.
Advanced Palpation:
Can you feel different areas of fascia?
Can you palpate energetic structures?
Can you adjust your attention inward to local structures and outward to the whole body…and back again?
What do the interfaces of different systems within the body feel like?
We will explore this in ways that empower your hands and your whole self to develop intuitive awareness of the interconnection of the human ecosystem and all of its parts.
Saturday, March 29
from 10am-4:30pm
Sunday, March 30
from 10am-1:30pm
Contact Kate with questions