Are you carrying other people’s energy?
Have you ever felt that what someone said to you has gotten stuck in your mind? your ears? your heart? or elsewhere within you?
“You’re always doing that kind of thing” or “You’re always late”. Or maybe it is more directly about you - “You’re just like your mother!” or “You’re too old to do that!” Words have energy and we can absorb that energy unconsciously…even if we disagree with the meaning.
All living beings have an electromagnetic energy field and, in any interaction between people, if boundaries are not clear and respected, one person may absorb the energy of the other.
Are you carrying around anyone else’s opinions? rules? assumptions?
Have you absorbed someone else’s stress? sadness? anger?
However this happens, it is never too late to let it go.
Your body knows which energy is yours and which is not.
And we can always remind ourselves that the only energy that belongs within our bodies is our own.
How would it feel to start the day by uncluttering yourself?